I bare your soul to turn to stardust.
Destiny is often found, often made.
The heavens and the hell collapsed into one another to form a celestial bridge between the two. The heavens had their Angels to serve. The death had his Reapers. But amidst this, over the bridge, was a beautiful being incarnated. She had a veil on her as light as a breeze. Bejeweled, was she. Personified Nova. She was named Life. The sole creator of every living being. She created the earth and ever since taken care of all of its well-being.
The angels used to give her souls. She made them alive. And when the time was close, she handed them over to us Reapers.
I was summoned yet again, to take away one more soul. To put my cold hands onto a beating heart until frozen. I disliked being the one to bring sadness to others. But I guess my fate was written for soul-fetching.
The raven accompanied me as I went above afloat from Hell towards the bridge. He brought a note from the master which said, “To Grim Reaper,
Go on Earth. Another one has died. We need to retrieve the soul.”
I sighed upon reading it and grabbed onto my Scythe a little tight. I traversed through realms. The journey was tiring but it did have a silver lining. Every time I was called, I could meet her, Life. For a short time but yes.
I reached the Frost Bridge. It was chilly today up here. Walking further I witnessed the stars and planets dancing their Waltz. A sudden flash of white light blinded my sight. I squinted my eyes to see who it was. “Blinded by the lights are you Grimy?” voiced the figure. The sarcastic tone was enough for me to guess it was Angela. She was Archangel. The celestial charmers and guides of the heavens.
“Dim down the lights Angie. The bridge is well-lit. and boy do you look chipper! Got good news I suppose?” I said, covering my face from the light. “Well, the Dove mail service only gives us the good news. Can’t blame it on the heavens.” She chuckled dimming the lights. “We have been invited to the Celestial Ball! With all others too!”
“That’s great! Lucky you.” I shrugged. These balls involve all the celestial beings except the Death realm. Having a Reaper at the party is like calling death onto everyone.
“Oh! Grim I am sorry you cannot attend the ball. I know it’s hard on you but it’s just the way it is.” The pity in her voice was noticeable. “ You here for another soul I suppose?” I nodded yes, with sorrow in my eyes. “It is the only way of meeting her. Will she be there too? At the ball?” I asked her in anticipation. “You still thinking of her Grim! I told you it won’t work out. She is Life and you are Death. Why don’t you seek others, angels, maybe? You could be the perfect Yin and Yang.” She spoke. “I beg of you Angie, please do something and slip in an invite for me too. For once in my living I want to see her without tears in my presence.” I pleaded to her in desperation. “I’ll see what I can do. Off you go now, to your duty.” I bid her goodbye and reached Earth’s boundary where she was sitting with the soul of a deer in her arms. “Her name was Faline, hunted by the humans. Take good care of her.” She yelped, handing over the soul to me. My heart cried in her tears.
I came back to Hell but all I could think was about how it would be if I went to the ball. I was eagerly waiting for the night to fall.
The night arrived and I wrapped my fanciest robe around me and even polished my Scythe. The raven delivered the secret pass. I thanked a ton to Angie, an angel she was!
I journeyed to the Star Door with Raven. My heart was pounding in nervousness but I held courage and stepped into the ball.
Making my way through the crowd, my eyes travelled to their sole destination, towards Life. She was Cosmic. She noticed and made her way to me. Angie winked at me from the side. “Hey, you are here, how lucky of us! I thought the death realm wasn’t invited, but it’s nice seeing you here.” And that was the first time I saw Life smile at me. I drowned in her chuckle. The Stars conspired all of us to dance. I distanced myself so as not to hurt anyone. Seeing the universe dance around me was an ethereal sight to witness. All my eyes could do around the shine and that glitter was gaze upon her very being. I wished to get drunk on her laughter every day. I wished to have a dance with her but I couldn’t. My mere touch and my hands would destroy the only thing that had kept me in existence for so long. They say if you wished on a shooting star, your heart’s deepest desires would come true. And yet, whenever I caught a glimpse of the stars my heart skipped a beat as I whispered her name to them. If only her soul was in place of mine would she know. It is haunted by the ghosts of the dreams of me and her together. It is trapped in a cage, made of the golden bars of her love while I snip my wings to stay in there forever. The words I couldn’t say, the secrets I kept away, the home of broken hopes would her soul feel within me. My diary pages only bore her name which I wrote over and over again. I crumpled them up and burnt them down. I took the quill and carved it in my bones staining my story forever by her.
I knew she would never be mine. Not in any other universe too. If only my body bore her soul would she feel my love. But in all of those, her soul would grow ivy in my heart spreading all over, making me alive from the dead. Her soul, made of stardust would for once make me breathe the love which I named her.
All I could do was wish, wish for her, standing at the side of the ball loving from afar.
I stretched my hands in the hope of shifting my stars to her sky. Because I know my fates aren’t right, but at least my stars could try.
I bare your soul to turn to stardust