3 more days remain for my ultimate demise
It’s not something I’ll tell you though, so everything you hear from me about it would be a web of lies
All I would wish for if I could is a happy home with you
But there’s no room for my sadness, no cure so I let it loose
It will grow and kill me, it will stitch my lips in a frown
If you are the first one to discover me dead, would you bring me a red rose from the south?
Of all the dalliances and flings, you are the only one to whom my heart sings
So linger a little longer at my back door before you leave
Think of me for a while before you go to sleep
The hours we have together don’t suffice
So will I be your muse or your ultimate vice?
Once I am gone, it’s for you to decide
as you will sit with my thoughts at midnight
But for the 3 days that remain,
can I be the girl that leads you through the darkness in your dreams?
Personification of your first love and how the first kiss feels
Wait for me by the churchgate, allow me to gaze at you from afar
While you turn suddenly and stare at me, shocked to see me in an extravagant dress, your mouth slightly ajar
I’ll grin as you’ll take my hand in the crowded bazaar
You bend down and kiss me on my neck where I have my jagged scar
Taken aback I will be by your daring, Impressed that you have no intentions of hiding me
I promise myself that the 3 days that remain will be the best time of your life
My gift for you in exchange of the sorrow I am going to impart
when I walk away towards death and we’ll finally be apart
I don’t let you touch me too much,
for I don’t want me to be a habit of yours
Funny how a failed tryst led me to you,
and you have led me into believing there’s more to life than suicide
But my past has a hold that even your presence can’t erase, I would hate to see you meet my self that’s deranged
So better to be gone than to be sorry, I am being selfish for both you and your mommy
3 more days remain for my ultimate demise
Your love and your kisses, late nights in your kitchen together, washing dirty dishes
have been the only truths in my life of lies
3 more days remain