My mind went ‘boom’.
‘Wow’ was the first word on the mind
at that moment.
Never knew someone that beautiful
will exist in the real world
and not in books .
Many years have went by after that moment
but the impression remains the same.
Those days have become un-erasable
even if that face have started blurring.
May be because they were euphoric
not mingled with sadness or pain.
When the past was still in that present
I couldn’t believe such an entry
would make such an effect .
The fluttering kind of feelings
the excitement in getting a few glimpses
the wait and eagerness to get those.
Was it because my present was unhappy
knew it will never be future in the back of the mind.
Was it because that present
started becoming past slowly but unknowingly.
Or was it just because
You are my someone special.