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A beautiful lady with dark brown big hairs, blue eyes, fair complexion,5’5 feet stood in front of the mirror and uttered I am a princess and i deserve a prince. Her mother gives her a call, sheer aren’t you getting late for your college. Be quick or else you might miss the bus and make sure you return early, since I have called a proposal in the evening for your marriage.

Sheer was so stubborn,that she walked away without letting her mother know.

When she entered the college,princess treatment was given by her friend circle. 

Many boys in the college were flattered by her beauty.Many rich boys proposed her but instantly she rejected.She always dreamed of having a different love story.

After the college hours,she decided to stay at her friend’s house to escape the proposal.Her mother called her many times,but all her efforts were gone in vain.

When sheer arrived late night,sheers father was n’t angry on sheer.instead gave her a better option.

Sheers father uttered,look sheer,iam a clerk at an office.And i have always dreamed of getting you married at a better place.But if you feel,you can find for yourself,go a head,but then you would be given a period of 3 months.Thats all.If you fail in doing so,you are gonna accept what me n your mom decides.

Sheer agreed to her father’s words.She was rolling on the bed thinking where can i find someone in span of 3 months.Shall i accept Amar or shall i accept Shameer from the college.Then she told herself,no way,Iam gonna have a different love story.

She could not sleep. So she logged into her Instagram account. A strangers request was notified to her. Sheer accepted his request.

Then out of curiosity she texted.Do i know you to the stranger!!He said,well no!But then we could know each other.

Sheer decided not to reveal her true identity until she thoroughly gets to know the stranger. She introduced herself as sheeba.

The stranger introduced himself as shah.

So the conversation started between the 2.

Day by day,Shah became sheebas good friend.sheeba used to share with him stories of her college.All her happy moments she began to share with shah.She started being addicted to Instagram.

One day,Shah asked her,you never asked my pic.Dont you think sheeba its time to share each others pic.It has been a month.Sheebas fantasies were different.She told,we shall not share the pics.We shall meet on my birthday instead next month directly.By then we shall share a different thing sheeba uttered.

Out of curiosity shah asked whats that?

We shall share each other’s palm through a pic.Shah was wondering what kind of a girl she is!!But then eventually both shared their palms.They were delightedly amused to glance each others palm.

The next month arrived,it was Sheers birthday after 2 days.Sheer asked shah are you excited?He said,yes of-course honey!!

I have better plans for our day.

The day arrived,Sheer was nervous as well as excited.Sheer wanted shah to arrive on time,happily as usual she logged into the Instagram account.But then it was displayed.”no user on this account”!!

Her heart started to beat rapidly.She was confused.,whether it’s a reality or a dream!!

Tears roll down her eyes.She began to weep.

Sheer stopped going to college.She simply began to stare Instagram most of the time by rolling on bed,with tears in her eyes.

She realised she could at least have had his mobile num to call.

The time span,that was given to sheer by his father came to an end.After 3 months,sheer was asked by his father.So,did you find somebody?Sheer with tears in her eyes,Iam ready to marry for whom so ever you select.

Sheers father was elated and with in a short span sheer got married to Muneeb.

Sheers husband was a man with rules and regulations.sheer unhurriedly understood its not always about fantasies.

One day,Muneeb had a prick of needle in his hand,sheer rushed to remove the needle. Sheer was shocked to see the same palm. Shahs palm had 4 moles.She could see the same 4 moles on muneebs hand.

Sheers eyes were full of tears and she uttered,shah..Muneeb though was not at all shocked,he just uttered shah!!

Sheer began to weep.Why did not you meet me?Muneeb uttered,i was tiered of your fantasies.I did not wanted to meet somebody who just had a fantasy world.

Sheer wept a lot and realized. Life should be lived happily with what so ever we have instead of living in fantasies.


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