Sugar mists detangling the howling sounds
Radiating some barren morrow
In the ecstatic exile of hammocking unfolds
Shimmered cascadingly in the star gazing roofs
And, your presence startled me
Like the first rains of July
When the haiku hits some imbalanced palettes
For the gaze of dancing fallen leaves
At the rendezvous of sparkling rain droplets
Where you became my only resting pride
In the midst of a sunken anchor
Beneath the torrential sighs
And the long hidden scars
Floating to hold a gentle hide
In the Abyss of my wallowing strikes
Your presence was magical in the mists of sufferings
I was shattered enough to hide my scars from long
Where my eyes were wrenching affliction to all my burn outs
In the form of long droughts against each wound
Immediately, thy was your incessant support
Against my exodus from the cacophony to my darkest side
And you hold my hand lovingly to dance with me
It was the feeling of love’s gentle hold
And our souls were deeply intertwined
Drifting into the depths of your warmth and care
With your embrace even to my unapologetic behides
In the world full of rammocks when it was never about me and my pains
Your petrichor made me feel safe in the drifting raining prides
That I could also try to have my home
In the first rains of july
When your tenderness made me realise
That I was never alone in my hard times
Each tear I wept was also from your heart’s plunging ride
Because it was the real Love
That knew
Life was already hard enough for my existing ride
And when the monsoon will not be dominating
The winter will bloom with our retrieving fragrances
With our souls only reading each others’
In our long silences
And I knew you were the one
When you said those cliche words
In the thundering sounds
I am always here because
I felt your soul has a golden crown
And here how you choose to stay
With my waning phases
A beautiful story of Pain and the always Smiles
Both find their solace
In the first rains of July…
My Repeated Oblivion: Your choice for Love